Hey, Rogue 4 Gay. Thanks for the kind words. I actually think the real Miranda, like me, would hate the word "woke" and would cringe at being associated with a buzzword that defines a pretentious archetype. I think she’d demonstrate awareness, but she wouldn’t try so hard. As far as BLM goes, I think Miranda would be the same person in a post-BLM world that she was in a pre-BLM world. Miranda was always about fairness. She called out bullshit when she saw it, and she knew how to speak to people who weren’t White. Check out her reaction to the fellow apartment owners in the clip I included. That’s Miranda. Remember the way she read Che for giving pot to her teenage son in the second episode of the reboot? That’s Miranda. The fumbling, bumbling fool who was trying desperately to say the right thing but constantly saying the wrong thing is someone every Black person has encountered, but it’s definitely not Miranda.