From Barbie to Bernstein to Trump: The High Cost of Worshipping a Narcissist

The megalomaniacs of Oscar season and the man who would be king.

Jeremy Helligar
6 min readDec 23, 2023
Bradley Cooper as Leonard Bernstein in Maestro (Photo: Netflix) and Donald Trump (Photo: flickr/Gage Skidmore).

There’s an early episode of the TV sitcom Will & Grace where one of the characters (it had to be Grace, but it was actually Will) makes an interesting analogy between relationships and gardening. The gist of it: In any successful relationship, he suggests, there’s the flower and there’s the gardener. The former — the above-the-title star of the romance — must be nurtured, tended to, and catered to by the latter, aka, the costar.

Two gardeners may have a solid shot at “happily ever after the end.” For them, love is a peaceful, easy, low-impact activity where they can feed off each other. However, when two flowers like Will and Grace cross-pollinate, love — and life — becomes a series of stalemates. It will almost always end in dehydration.

Love in the garden isn’t as simple, though, as Will & Grace made it sound. Look how it turned out for Adam and Eve. You can only stay on your knees for so long…



Jeremy Helligar
Jeremy Helligar

Written by Jeremy Helligar

Brother Son Husband Friend Loner Minimalist World Traveler. Author of “Is It True What They Say About Black Men?” and “Storms in Africa”

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